Saturday, February 9, 2008

I am Nobody son of Nobody

I am Nobody son of Nobody, I make most of my living selling bacterial cultures that ferment special powerful probiotic and detoxifying drinks. Should that makes me a bacteriapimp I am not ashamed. I am an advocate for these cultures and I have other agendas, the cultures are my cover. I am a subversive or at least I'd like to be.

I sit in my shop in the great internet bazaar, very few people come to my stall; however, I welcome you and praise you for your courage and intellectual curiosity that brings you here. In a way I am like the Guru; I am pointing direction based on my discoveries of so many important things that need to be shared, mostly about the cultures and the important things they can do for your health, I point direction; but, I want no reward or gratuity except that you pass on any of these discoveries if you feel they are valueable. Maybe you will buy something at my humble shop here at the bazaar. You can visit at my stall without worring about any improvised explosive devices going off; so, relax and take it in. There is no hurry if you don't want there to be.

I primarily sell the cultures. I call them all kefir's. There is milk kefir, water kefir, very often called Tibicos, there is tea kefir, often called kombucha, and there is ginger kefir, often called ginger beer plant, there are other cultures but I feel these are the most valueable. They have been called many names around the world and through time. I call them kefir because they are all symbiotic communities of friendly bacteria that can do things together that they can't do separately. This is my own classification, why not?

I offer complete instruction and the supplies and accessories needed to ferment and brew these culture optimally. It is both my burden and my joy. It is what I do in this world to pay the bills. It beats telemarketing. People need to get these cultures into their lives, the word must be spread. These cultures are gifts of nature and they can not be optimally produced by our friends in the major corporations, they can not suck enough profit out of the cultures to make it worth their while to bring a proper kefir product. They are quite aware of the cultures and they offer bastardized renditions; however, these products can not produce the benefits that you can when you make them at home. It is a very person to person thing. The knowlege about the cultures should be passed on by people who love each other; for, what better gift of love could there be than giving the gift of health and well being to one's freinds, relatives and other loved ones. I am here to assist, to get the bacterial culture rolling so to speak

There is so much to tell; yet, there is no hurry. let me get myuself out of the way and tell you that I am Nobody son of Nobody, I have been around a long time as I am 57 years old. I live in a over 55 adult communtiy, what I call a "Gated Moselium Community" I am trying to get out; but, I am not important. The totality of my agenda is important. I want to talk about more than the products I sell and I will get to everthing as everything does tie together. I want to weave a web that shows many of my discoveries are valid so then you will look into my other discoveries

Maybe we are sitting at my table within my stall in the cyberspace bazaar, see the interesting unique things I sell, sit here for a few moments while I take care of some pressing business, in the meantime read this vignette and drink slowly some of my best kombucha, aged and flavored with cinnamon and with lime. I will be back shortly. If you finish before I get back, meditate on the selection and we can talk about it when I get back or.... not.

As we are sitting in a marketplace I have chosen a story about a market place, I promise that the words paint a colorful picture

The whole world is a marketplace for Love,
For naught that is, from Love remains remote.
The Eternal Wisdom made all things in Love.
On Love they all depend, to Love all turn.
The earth, the heavens, the sun, the moon, the stars
The center of their orbit find in Love.
By Love are all bewildered, stupefied,
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.

From each, Love demands a mystic silence.
What do all seek so earnestly? "Tis Love.
Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts,
In Love no longer "Thou" and "I" exist,
For self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul
Behold the Friend, Incomparable Love.
He who would know the secret of both worlds
Will find that the secret of them both is Love.

Love. It is so importtant, I won't bore you all day but listen to what Martin Luther King says about love and it's importance.. This is a portion of Dr Kings speech given in 1967, It was part of a speech where he came out against the war in Vietnam. The Vietnamese called the war "The American War" This is a segment and it concerns "Love"

Martin Luther King

A genuine revolution of values means in the final analysis that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies. This call for a world-wide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all men. This oft misunderstood and misinterpreted concept--so readily dismissed by the Nietzsches of the world as a weak and cowardly force--has now become an absolute necessary for the survival of man. When I speak of love I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response. I am speaking of that force which all the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality. This Hindu-Moslem-Christian-Jewish-Buddhist belief about ultimate reality is beautifully summed up in the first epistle of Saint John:

Let us love one another, for God is love. And every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us."

Dr King is saying, if you hadn't noticed; that Ecumenical love "Has become an absolute necessary for survival" He was killed shortly after this speech.

Please come back to my shop soon and I will tell you in detail why we need these cultures to brew delicious and healthful drinks. We will sit and drink more kombucha and discover together.... If you need to contact me or if you have some comments you can contact the bacteriapimp; as I like to say, for a good time contact the bacteriapimp at

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